The narrative begins with Australian Tom Sherbourne, returning home from war. He takes a position in Janus Rock lighthouse, a place full of the sound of the wind and the waves crashing the rocks. Later, he meets charming easy-going smart Isabel, marrying her and taking her to his home.
A presence that might have illuminated the isolated lighthouse, soon becomes the images of grief after several miscarriages. One night, they hear the crying of a baby. At the beginning, they think it is the wind, playing a cruel joke on them. Soon, they discover a baby with a dead man in a boat on the shore. Tom thinks of reporting inmediately. However, Isabel silently requests for him no to do it. They name the child Lucy.
Since that day, Isabel's life is full of noises and love. However, day by day, Tom struggles, his consciousness telling him that somewhere the baby is being missed. Two years later, they travel to mainland and soon discover 'they are not alone in the world'.
This story tells the lives of people who build their own home away from the rest of civilisation. When your dreams are washed away, you could take desperate measures to survive. A story of love and responsibility, of grief and solitude, of mistakes and redemption.
Ana Ovejero
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