Thursday, May 24, 2018

Fish in a Tree (Lynda Mullaly Hunt)

Fish in a tree

Lynda Mullaly Hunt

If you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree,
it will live its life believing it is stupid

This YA novel narrates the story of Ally, a teenager who struggles with words. For Ally, letters move like ants in the page, or they mix up making reading impossible. Ally used to love Maths, but since the calculations become narrations with characters and settings, she also hate those lessons, too.

However, Ally didn´t always have this relationship with words. When her grandpa, a retired soldier, read aloud Alice in Wonderland, she could imagine every single object in the story. In fact, every time somebody says something unusual, she is capable of creating these movies full of pictures in her mind.

Ally doesn´t have friends at school. She feels that everybody thinks she is dumb or simply slow. However. when she makes a gentle gesture towards Keisha and she understands that Albert has his own way to see life, she starts  a change in her days for the better.

What really modifies Ally's life is Mr. Daniels. The new teacher has decided to help Ally and to make her trust him, something that is really a challenge as she is bullied at school by the popular girl of the grade.

A real heroine that fights to overcome her problems as she realises that she can obtain what she wishes with hard work and friends. this is a story that is a good example of what children with difficulties at school, both social and academic, has to endure every day.

instagram: ananbooks

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