Monday, April 16, 2018

Vincent (Barbara Stok)


Barbara Stok

Narrating the life of Vincent Van Gogh in Arlés and his days in the asylum in Saint-Rémy, this graphic novel stand as a new way to become aquainted with this master painter. 

The story begins with Vincent leaving Paris after feeling overwhelmed by the city. His brother Theo is with him. Theo is Vincent's most loyal supporter, emotionally and financially, allowing him to concentrate on his art.

Arriving to Arlés, Vincent enjoys the colours of the countryside, painting trees and fields, explaining that they resemble the sea and the endless horizon over the waves.

With his new friend, the postman Roulin, he spends his time in the tavern, having relationship with a prostitute. However, his strong temperament makes him uninvited with the locals.

His desire to create a house for an asociation of painters becomes real when Gauguin, a painter that Vincent admires, arrives to Arlés. However, Vincent's mental health starts deteriorating rapidly, and with it, his relationship with Gauguin. When the latter anounces his idea to return to Martinica, Vincent's famously described event with his hear happens.

Consequently, he decides to recluse himself in an asylum in Saint-Rémy, where he paints such colossal paintings such as "Starry Night".

A gorgeous path to Vincent Van Gogh's troubled heart, this graphic novel leads the readers to a moment in time when the world of art changes forever.

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